Expanding Awareness
A website that explores Alexander Technique and all the things it intersects with.
A website that explores Alexander Technique and all the things it intersects with.

About Expanding Awareness

Michael Ashcroft
is a solopreneur and an Online Teacher of the Alexander Technique — an awareness-based skill that involves learning to recognise our habitual reactions as they arise and inhibit them giving increased freedom and space to respond to the world.
We first met on twitter. I approached him asking for business advice.
For years, have been running a blog for years on how the world works and how we can improve it. My intention, was and still is to be a writer, making a living from my work. Despite writing and publishing for two years and putting out over fifty essays, I had yet to make money.
Michael was already running a successful business at this time turning over 100k annual revenue from his online Alexander Technique course.
When going over everything, I showed him
my website
and he was really impressed with how it looked. He asked me what I used to make it, and I told him I used Ghost. He told me he didn’t recognise the theme and I told him that I made it myself — and that’s the story of how I found myself hired to build Michael Ashcroft’s website.
Expanding Awareness Website
was built using
— A modern blogging platform which is also what I’m using for my website. The work I had to do for Michael was essentially building him a custom Ghost theme.
Made with love and Elm Pages